Job Application Form

Site Service Engineer, Kildare

Employment Type

Full Time, Permanent

Application Start Date


Application End Date






Work Style



OBW Technologies are currently seeking additional Service Engineers to join our existing team based at our Customers' Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility. Candidates will provide maintenance support for Life Safety Systems, to include both fixed and portable gas detection.

 The successful applicant will be an experienced and extremely well-organized Service Engineer, with experience gained in an Industrial environment. Experience of field service work is essential.

This will be a 4 cycle shift-based role. Shifts are 12:00hours duration (07:00am to 19:00pm) with 7 shifts worked over a 2 week period. Candidates will work 3 to 4 nights per month as part of this shift rotation. A generous shift allowance is paid for this cycle. 



·        Service, maintenance and repair of Life Safety System's, to include Honeywell Fixed/Portable gas detection equipment covered by the service contract.

·        Provide response to other LSS's to include fire, liquid leak and Vesda.

·        Accurately record all daily maintenance/operation activities

·        Proactively review and monitor your own work schedule within the team

·        Ensure the strong lines of communication are maintained with all of our customers and partners.

·        Build a strong working relationship with the other service engineers to ensure OBW will always deliver within our Service Level Agreement.



·        Third level qualification in an Engineering discipline (electrical, mechanical etc) or an Electrical Trade.

·        Strong technical ability in all aspects of Electrical Engineering Services.

Personal Information

Professional Information

Visa Requirements


Other Attachment

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Privacy Declaration

Please read the following statements carefully. By signing below, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms outlined.

1. Accuracy of Information I declare that the information I have provided in this application form and any additional documents submitted (such as my CV, cover letter, and certificates) is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any falsification, misrepresentation, or omission of information may result in the rejection of my application or, if discovered after employment has commenced, may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

2. Right to Work I confirm that I have the legal right to work in Ireland and can provide the necessary documentation to prove this, if required.

3. Background Checks and References I consent to the company contacting my previous employers, educational institutions, and other referees provided for references. I also understand that, where relevant, the company may conduct background checks, including but not limited to employment verification, educational verification, and criminal record checks, as permitted by law.

4. Data Protection and Privacy I understand that the personal data I provide in this application will be used for recruitment purposes only and will be handled in accordance with OBW Technologies Data Protection and Privacy Policy and applicable data protection laws. I consent to the retention and processing of this data as necessary for the recruitment process and potential employment.